Definitions and Readiness Questionnaire
Below are the definitions of the alternative delivery methods we offer here at HLSCC:
1. Online Course: A course with no face-to-face contact between lecturers and students in a physical classroom. The delivery of all teaching and learning activities (including communication, learning activities, interaction with resources, assessment, etc.) occurs online. This has two delivery formats, namely Online-Asynchronous and Online-Synchronous:
- (a) Online-Asynchronous: Mainly self-directed learning with no scheduled live video conference sessions. Thus, the student is expected to pace his/herself through the course content (such as pre-recorded video lecturers, eBook readings, other electronic resources, etc.), interact with peers via discussion forums or chats, and complete assessments (eQuizzes/Exams, projects, etc.) each week as scheduled on the Learning Management System (Moodle). Contact with the lecturer will only be for virtual office hours by appointment.
- (b) Online-Synchronous: There will be scheduled live video conference sessions each week to listen to live lectures by the lecturer and to interact with classmates. Moreover, other content (eBook readings, other electronic resources, etc.) will be available on the Learning Management System (Moodle). In addition, students will interact with peers via discussion forums or chats, and complete assessments (eQuizzes/Exams, projects, etc.) each week as scheduled on the Learning Management System.

2. Blended Course (also known as hybrid): A course designed to combine face-to-face (in-person) and online course delivery into one integrated learning experience (NOTE: The online component could be synchronous or asynchronous or a combination of the two). The mix of delivery modes will depend on an instructor’s teaching strategies and course learning objectives. Note: there will be times when the class sessions are held in the physical classroom, and other times when class sessions are held online.

3. Personal Accelerated Competency Education (PACE) course: Work at your own pace, whether accelerated or decelerated [could be Online or Blended]:
- (a) Accelerated courses: A fast-tracked course that is structured to be completed in a shorter time than a traditional course (duration is half of a semester, which is 8 weeks).
- (b) Decelerated courses: Allows for students to work at a slower pace. Thus, they are allowed to take up to a semester and a half to complete the course (duration is one semester and a half, which is 24 weeks).